About the 896.03.31
The 896.03.31 drive is a bookshelf drive manufactured by Reliance Electric as part of the GV3000 series. This model is commonly known as the European stock number for the 55ET4060 part number as such it is known that the model will operate on a current rating of 5.5 amps. The 896.03.31 drive has an IP20 enclosure thus it is able to be protected from objects that are greater than 12 mm. This drive is also commonly known as a GV3000/SE Bookshelf Drive with a CE filter.
There is another alternate part number that the 896.03.31 drive is often referred to as which is GV3000E-AC005-AA-DBU-RFI. This part number refers to the converter and the corresponding inverter versions. For this model, the inverter version has DC-bus terminals, an RFI filter, and a braking unit. There is also a motor that corresponds with the 896.03.31 drive, in this case, the drive has two different motor powers depending on the regulator version being used for vector regulation the power of the model is a nominal 1.5 at 400 VAC whereas the motor power for the drive when in volts/hertz regulation the power is 2.2 also at 400 VAC.
When using the 896.03.31 after mounting it is vital to the operation that all airflow clearances have been met. The minimum clearances for the drives are no larger than 4 inches. The clearance between the bookshelf drives is a quarter of an inch. For all clearances refer to chapter three of the GV3000/SE AC Bookshelf Drive Hardware Reference, Installation, and Troubleshooting Manual for more detailed information.