4 Examples of PLCs in Industrial Automation

Programmable logic controllers, or PLCs, are an essential part of many industrial workflows. Read on to learn some examples of PLCs in automation.

4 Examples of PLCs in Industrial Automation

Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are simple computers that assist in automation and machine function in industrial applications. With a range of connected input devices, PLCs can collect data and trigger responses. There are several different uses for PLCs, depending on the capacity of the given device and the industry. Read on to learn four examples of PLCs in industrial automation.


In manufacturing production, PLCs are most often used to send data to plant managers. Using the information collected by PLCs, plant managers can perform data analysis and determine the best way to use their resources to promote efficiency in their facilities.


While robotics is a field that is undergoing incredible growth, one system that appears to be quite capable right now is PLC software. Most robots contain controllers with programmable logic that facilitates independent operation. Typically, a single, centralized PLC controls a group of robots, which can help reduce the costs that come with unique PLC integrations for every robot.


One of the most effective uses for PLCs is in monitoring. PLCs can keep track of several inputs and outputs and can then either make decisions using programmable logic or send the information to another location for data analysis. In either case, human-based decisions are reduced, which can help minimize mistakes and lead to greater efficiency in a variety of industries.

Food Processing

In food processing, PLCs are mainly utilized to identify contaminants in water and liquid flow rates. Should the PLC notice anything amiss, it can notify managers of the food processing facility so that they can correct the problem. One of the most effective programmable logic controllers on the market is the AutoMax PLC, a system that can run both ladder logic programs and BASIC.

Now that you know a bit more about programmable logic controllers and some examples of PLCs in industrial automation, consider acquiring some for your own industrial facility. They’re incredibly useful tools to have at your disposal!